Apr. 29, 2015

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York Township) recently joined House Education Committee colleagues in advancing House Bill 833, legislation that takes into consideration Pennsylvania’s employment picture and gives school districts and students another option to help address shortages in specific job areas. The bill may now be taken up by the full House.
“At least 31,000 jobs in computer science and related fields are currently vacant in the southeast region of Pennsylvania, primarily because we don’t have people trained to fill them,” Phillips-Hill said. “House Bill 833 attempts to close this significant gap in our workforce by giving our schools a tool to address a need.”
House Bill 833 would allow students who complete a class in computer science or information technology (IT) to use the course credit to satisfy one math or science graduation credit requirement.
“One of the things that prospective employers take into account when considering moving to Pennsylvania is the talent pool and whether or not it has the potential to make their business successful,” added Phillips-Hill. “House Bill 833 would help fill this existing gap in our workforce.
“In a world of unfunded mandates, this legislation instead offers school districts the flexibility to permit their students to make a choice in fulfilling graduation requirements. If signed into law, the bill would take effect in the 2016-17 school year.
“IT is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the country and jobs in this field pay very well. House Bill 833 would align student skills with employer needs.”
Questions about this or any legislative issue should be directed to Phillips-Hill’s district office at (717) 428-9889 or 1-877-207-2272.
Representative Kristin Phillips-Hill
93rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little
RepKristin.com / Facebook.com/RepKristin