Feb. 04, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-Peach Bottom) responded to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget address with the following statement:

“Today, we saw another unsustainable budget proposed by our governor. While there are a few positives, including increased funding for career and technical education, which I support, the many negatives far outweigh the few positives we see in this proposal. 

“Specifically, we see another major drain in our surplus, which has decreased by $3.8 billion from the end of the last fiscal year to this one. This drain will see our surplus gone by the end of next fiscal year. The governor will say that it is not all gone yet, but to keep a ‘surplus’ he will take $1.6 billion from the Rainy Day fund so we can have the illusion of a surplus. 

“It took over a decade of bipartisan management to create the surplus, which will now be gone in three years. This is not sustainable, and I hope this is fixed after the budget hearings and during negotiations.”

Representative Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
repcutler.com/ facebook.com/repbryancutler
