Feb. 04, 2025

HARRISBURG – Today, Gov. Josh Shapiro unveiled his budget priorities for the 2025-26 fiscal year. State Rep. Roman Kozak (R-Beaver) issued the following statement in response:

“One of the reasons I ran for office was to fight senseless spending in Harrisburg. Unfortunately, the governor’s budget plan is just more of the same.

“If he gets his way, spending will once again outpace revenue. To cover the costs, the governor wants to burn through what’s left of our surplus, then dip into the Rainy Day Fund. This is unsustainable governing.

“While the governor says he wants to cut taxes, the senseless energy taxes he has proposed in his plan will continue to stretch working families’ budgets to the limit.

“In addition, the governor says he wants to implement new tax credits, which will do nothing more than give Harrisburg power to pick winners and losers. Here’s an idea: let’s be responsible by dialing back spending, cutting corporate welfare and cutting taxes for everyone.

“Ultimately, this plan does nothing to address the looming fiscal cliff we face in Pennsylvania. All the emergency federal funding we received during the pandemic will dry up at some point, but we are budgeting as though that money will be here forever. That simply won’t be the case, but you’d never know it judging by the governor’s proposal.

“I realize that this is only the beginning of a long process, but if the final product is reflective of this proposal, it will be another year of Pennsylvania living beyond its means. And that means another year of Pennsylvania failing to grow and compete with other states.”

Representative Roman Kozak
14th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jake Gillespie
RepKozak.com/ facebook.com/repkozak
