Feb. 04, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Eric Nelson (R-Westmoreland) issued the below statement following Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget address Tuesday:

“Wow! Gov. Shapiro is proposing a record-high, $51.47 billion budget! For reference, that’s over $20 billion more than when I came to the House less than 10 years ago. If this became law tomorrow, the cost of government would double, while taxpayers continue to suffer the burden of higher groceries, utilities and gasoline.”

“The governor’s 90-minute address did contain some positives, such as programs for Pennsylvania's seniors, expanding state police cadet classes and finally getting a handle on legalizing skill games. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I look forward to taking a deep dive into each state agency’s budget. But make no mistake, spending to Gov. Shapiro’s proposed level will deplete our savings and our Rainy Day fund and sets our citizens up for a major tax increase in two years.”

Representative Eric Nelson
57th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jordan Frei
