Mar. 11, 2015

HARRISSBURG – Rep. Tarah Toohil (R-Luzerne) today announced her recent appointment by House Speaker Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) to serve on the House Rules Committee.
“I am honored to have been chosen by Speaker Turzai to serve on this important House committee,” said Toohil. “I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure legislation brought to the House floor is beneficial to Pennsylvania and its citizens.”
The Rules Committee is an important House committee and its members work together to oversee the legislative process. The committee makes recommendations to improve and expedite the business and procedures of the House and proposes amendments to the rules of the House, as needed. In addition, the committee adopts guidelines for the expenditure of all funds appropriated to the House or to any member or nonmember officer.
The Rules Committee is also charged with reviewing legislation that returns to the House that has been amended by the Senate.
The committee consists of the House speaker, majority leader, minority leader, majority whip, minority whip, majority appropriations chairman, minority appropriations chairman, 12 members of the majority party appointed by the speaker, and 10 members of the minority party appointed by the minority leader. The majority leader chairs the committee.
Toohil is also serving on the Children and Youth, Health, Judiciary and Local Government committees during the 2015-16 legislative session.
For more information on Toohil and her legislative priorities, please visit or

Representative Tarah Toohil
116th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: Rep. Toohil’s Office
717.260.6136 /