Apr. 08, 2019

WHAT: Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) will join Reps. Jonathan Fritz (R-Susquehanna/Wayne), John Hershey (R-Franklin/Juniata/Mifflin) and Pam Snyder (D-Fayette/Greene/Washington) to outline their legislation, House Bill 986, which would delay the implementation of using a statewide or regional broker to help run the current Medical Assistance Transportation Program.

WHO: Bernstine, Fritz, Hershey, Snyder, other cosponsors of the bill and the public.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 9, beginning at 9 a.m.

WHERE: Capitol Media Center, 8 East Wing

LIVE WEBSTREAMING: Barring any technical difficulties, the press conference will be streamed live on RepBernstine.com and Facebook.com/RepBernstine.

Media contact: Abbey Haslam, 717.260.6222, ahaslam@pahousegop.com