Mar. 08, 2018

HARRISBURG - The status of school safety in the State of Pennsylvania will be the focus of the House Education Committee hearing being held on Thursday, March 15, according to the committee chairman, Rep. Dave Hickernell (R-Lancaster/Dauphin).

“Every child needs to feel safe and able to learn at school, and every parent should be comfortable sending their child to school,” Hickernell said. The House Education Committee will take a thorough and holistic look at school safety in Pennsylvania to determine if further legislative actions need to be taken, and if so what those actions should include.”

The four panels scheduled to testify before the committee include:

  • Current Landscape of School Safety.
  • Views of Pennsylvania Education Organizations.
  • National Approaches to School Safety.
  • Recommendations to Improve School Safety.
“The committee will not only hear about what is already being done in Pennsylvania to protect our students but also what other states have done and possible approaches to enhance school security even further,” Hickernell said. “We will look at bills already before the education committee, as well as approaches brought to the table during this hearing.”

The Education Committee School Safety Hearing will be held at 9 a.m. to noon, March 15 in the Majority Caucus Room, Room 140 Main Capitol Building.

Representative Dave Hickernell
98th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charles Lardner
