Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) voted with the overwhelming majority in the House today to approve legislation to permit physicians to recommend medical marijuana to patients with certain qualifying illnesses. The vote was 149-46.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – State Reps. Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield/Elk) and Tommy Sankey (Clearfield/Cambria) today joined the majority of their colleagues in the House and Senate in passing legislation that will require use of a more equitable school funding formula rather than Gov. Tom Wolf’s plan that heavily favored the School District of Philadelphia. House Bill 1589, which also restores construction reimbursement funding schools are owed through PlanCon (the Planning and Construction Workbook), passed each chamber of the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority, thus preventing a veto by the governor.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Rep. William F. Adolph (R-Delaware), chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement in regard to the passage of House Bill 1589, which would be the Fiscal Code for the 2015-16 Fiscal Year:
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Members of the York County House Republican delegation today joined the majority of their colleagues in the House and Senate in passing legislation that will require use of a more equitable school funding formula rather than Gov. Tom Wolf’s plan that heavily favored the School District of Philadelphia. House Bill 1589, which also restores construction reimbursement funding schools are owed through PlanCon (the Planning and Construction Workbook), passed each chamber of the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority, thus preventing a veto by the governor.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Today, state Rep. Jesse Topper (R-Bedford/Fulton/Franklin joined a strong bipartisan majority of the House of Representatives in supporting a fair basic education funding formula, which was a included in House Bill 1589, also known as the Fiscal Code. Gov. Tom Wolf previously vetoed the Fiscal Code, which included the agreed-to education funding formula. The legislation was adopted by a vote of 149 to 45. It was previously adopted in the state Senate with a veto-proof majority of 37-11.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Voting to support Pennsylvania students and schools, the House passed legislation to implement the bipartisan and fair Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC) formula which has the support of education advocates and school boards across the state, House Majority Leader Dave Reed (R-Indiana) said today. The vote count was 149-45.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Today, State Representative Greg Rothman (R-Cumberland) joined a bipartisan majority of the House of Representatives in supporting a fair basic education funding formula, which was included in House Bill 1589, also known as the Fiscal Code. Governor Tom Wolf previously vetoed the Fiscal Code. The legislation was adopted by a vote of 149 to 45. It was adopted in the state Senate with a veto-proof majority of 37-11.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Rep. Tedd Nesbit (R-Mercer/Butler) was one of 149 House members today to vote in favor of House Bill 1589, the General Assembly’s latest attempt to reverse the governor’s decision to distribute state education dollars without an agreed-to funding formula.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Rep. Donna Oberlander (R-Clarion/Armstrong/Forest) today supported legislation that would seek to reverse the harmful cuts to local schools’ state funding made by Gov. Tom Wolf.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – To help local schools receive the state funding they are due in the 2015-16 state budget, Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) today voted in favor of new legislation that addresses the governor’s veto of the state’s Fiscal Code.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – House Majority Leader Dave Reed (R-Indiana) today joined an overwhelming majority of his colleagues in supporting legislation to permit the controlled use of medical marijuana/cannabis in Pennsylvania. The House of Representatives approved an amended version of Senate Bill 3 by a vote of 149-46. The legislation now heads to Gov. Tom Wolf, who has said he will sign it into law.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Jim Cox (R-Berks/Lancaster) today in Harrisburg voted for a bill that would legalize in Pennsylvania the use of medical cannabis to help children suffering from seizures, patients who have cancer and individuals with other specified health conditions. Following the vote, Cox made the following statement:
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – The House unanimously approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Steve Barrar (R-Chester/Delaware) which will reauthorize the soon-to-expire State Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Grant Program through June 30, 2020.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Legislation authored by state Rep. Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York Township) that would save taxpayer dollars by preventing future employees of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) from enrolling in the Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS) was passed today by the House with bipartisan support.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – The House Majority Policy Committee today held a joint, informational hearing with the House Minority Policy Committee regarding the use of PA 2-1-1, a public service operated by the United Way to connect Pennsylvania residents to health and human service information and assistance in their communities.
Apr. 13, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – With significant bipartisan support, the state House on Tuesday sent to Gov. Tom Wolf’s desk legislation authored by state Rep. Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam) that would give York County commissioners a key tool they and county tourism officials have requested in the effort to further promote local destinations and attractions.
Apr. 12, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – State Reps. Seth Grove (R-York) and Stephen Bloom (R-Cumberland) today respond today respond to the Wolf Administration’s abandonment of its misguided attempt to close the Pennsylvania Employee Retirement Commission (PERC). Yesterday, Wolf administration officials announced that it has rescinded its unconstitutional and illegal attempt to abolish the statutorily created PERC. PERC will now continue to perform its statutory functions, operating as an independent fiscal watchdog, providing independent actuarial analysis for pension legislation and monitoring the health of municipal pension plans pursuant to Act 205 of 1984.
Apr. 12, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – Legislation designed to support senior citizens and their family caregivers by keeping ailing residents in their own home longer has been approved by the House, after changes by the Senate, said the bill’s author, Rep. Hal English (R-Allegheny). The bill is known as the Caregiver Advise, Record and Enable Act and was passed this week by the state Senate.
Apr. 12, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – On a motion by Rep. Martin Causer (R-Turtlepoint), the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee today voted to disapprove proposed regulations impacting the oil and gas industry.
Apr. 12, 2016 /
HARRISBURG – In honor of Equal Pay Day in Pennsylvania, Rep. Kathy Watson (R-Bucks/144th) reminded her colleagues in the state House today about the long-term effects of pay inequity.