Saylor, Roebuck, Reed and Grove Announce Select Education Committee to Focus on Career Training

Feb. 24, 2015 /

HARRISBURG – Members of the House Education Committee today – Chairman Stan Saylor (R-York), Co-chairman James Roebuck (D-Philadelphia), Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) – and Majority Leader Dave Reed (R-Indiana) announced plans to create a new Select Subcommittee on Technical Education and Career Readiness to refocus Pennsylvania’s secondary and post-secondary education on career training to match graduates with the existing good-paying jobs that are available in Pennsylvania.

Committee Votes to Privatize Liquor Sales in Pennsylvania, Says Simmons

Feb. 23, 2015 /

HARRISBURG – Rep. Justin Simmons (R-Lehigh/Montgomery/Northampton) today joined a majority of his colleagues on the House Liquor Control Committee in supporting legislation that would privatize wholesale and retail wine and spirits sales in Pennsylvania. The committee vote was 15-10, along party lines. House Bill 466 now heads to the full House of Representatives for consideration, with a vote expected later this week.

Legislation Would Add Scranton to State Revitalization Program

Feb. 23, 2015 /

It should come as no surprise that many industrial cities across the Commonwealth have struggled over the past several years, especially due to the effects of the “Great Recession.” A prime example of those cities is Scranton, which is dealing with a high level of debt, increased taxes and a massive downturn in its once vibrant manufacturing industry.

Kauffman Works to Keep Government Spending in Check

Feb. 23, 2015 /

HARRISBURG – Working to support Pennsylvania taxpayers, state Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin) today stood with his colleagues from the House and Senate in championing the introduction of legislation to constitutionally control the future growth of state government spending.

Legislative Audit Advisory Commission Accepts 2014 Audit

Feb. 23, 2015 /

HARRISBURG – The bicameral, bipartisan Legislative Audit Advisory Commission (LAAC), chaired by Rep. Mark Keller (R-Perry/Cumberland), today voted to accept the audit report of the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s finances for the 2013-14 fiscal year as conducted by an independent certified public accounting firm.

House Education Committee Takes Testimony on PA CORE Standards and Keystone Exams

Feb. 19, 2015 /

HARRISBURG – The House Education Committee met this week to hold a public hearing and take testimony from witnesses on House Bill 177 and House Bill 168. Chairman Stan Saylor (R-York) and committee members heard from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Pennsylvania State Education Association, Pennsylvanians Restoring Education, the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators, the Pennsylvania School Board Association and the Pennsylvania Business Council.

House Policy Committee to Accept Testimony on PA’s Business Climate

Feb. 17, 2015 /

WHAT: In response to recent comments by Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who boastfully announced his intentions to poach Pennsylvania jobs, Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin), Chairman of the House Majority Policy Committee, will host a hearing tomorrow, Feb. 18, to discuss the general business climate facing Pennsylvania’s businesses. York County business owners and statewide business associations will provide testimony to the committee on state taxes and regulations, how to improve the state’s business climate and how to attract new business.