House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee
Jun. 22, 2018 / Embed
House Aging and Older Adult Services - Voting meeting on HB 2291, and any other business that may come before the committee.
House Aging and Older Adult Services.
Jun. 13, 2018 / Embed
House Aging and Older Adult Services - Informational meeting on HB 2291 and any other business that may come before the committee.
House Aging and Older Adult Services, 03.14.18
Mar. 14, 2018 / Embed
House Aging and Older Adult Services, 03.14.18
House Aging and Older Adult Services.
Dec. 06, 2017 / Embed
House Aging and Older Adult Services - Informational meeting - PA Homecare Association will be providing input on their efforts to support family caregivers and any other business that may come before the committee.
House Aging and Older Adult Services.
Sep. 27, 2017 / Embed
House Aging and Older Adult Services - An informational meeting concerning long-term ombudsman care for the elderly.
House Aging and Older Adult Services.
Jun. 21, 2017 / Embed
House Aging and Older Adult Services - Informational meeting on community senior centers and Meals on Wheels of Pennsylvania and any other business that may come before the committee.
House Aging and Older Adult Services.
Jun. 07, 2017 / Embed
House Aging and Older Adult Services - Informational meeting regarding caregiver support in the workplace and any other business that may come before the committee.
House Aging and Older Adult Services.
May. 10, 2017 / Embed
House Aging and Older Adult Services - Voting meeting on HB 270, HB 296, HB 425, HB 673 and any other business that may come before the committee.
Joint House Aging and Older Adult Services, Health, and Human Services Committees.
Apr. 17, 2017 / Embed
Joint House Aging and Older Adult Services, Health, and Human Services Committees - Discussion of consolidating four agencies into one.
Joint House Aging and Older Adult Services, Health, and Human Services Committees.
Apr. 05, 2017 / Embed
Joint House Aging and Older Adult Services, Health, and Human Services Committees - Joint public hearing on Consolidation of the Departments of Human Services, Health, Aging, and Drug and Alcohol Programs.