Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee Meeting
Nov. 20, 2019 / Embed
Voting Meeting on HR 605 prior to informational meeting to discuss operations and activities conducted by county conservation districts and any other business that may come before the committee.
Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee Meeting
Oct. 23, 2019 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 918, HB 1223, HB 1224, HB 1755 and any other business that may come before the committee.
House Ag Committee Discusses Fireworks Law
Sep. 24, 2019 / Embed
The House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, chaired by Rep. Martin Causer, held a public hearing at the state Capitol to gather feedback on a proposal to update the state's fireworks laws.
Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee
Aug. 14, 2019 / Embed
The House and Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs committees met during Penn State’s annual Ag Progress Days to discuss animal health and biosecurity.
Agriculture & Rural Committee Meeting
Jun. 20, 2019 / Embed
Voting meeting on SB 634, SB 661 and any other business that may come before the committee.
Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee Meeting
Jun. 18, 2019 / Embed
Voting meeting on HR 222, HR 402. Immediately followed by an informational meeting and any other business that may come before the committee.
Agriculture & Rural Affairs Call of Chair
Jun. 11, 2019 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 1590, SB 585 and any other business that may come before the committee.
AG Committee Informational Meeting
May. 16, 2019 / Embed
The Ag Committee meets at St. Marys in Elk County for an
update on forest products industry issues.
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Meeting
May. 07, 2019 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 671, HB 1037, HB 1277 and any other business that may come before the committee.
Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee Discusses Dairy Issues
Apr. 17, 2019 / Embed
The House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, chaired by Rep. Martin Causer, held a public hearing with members of the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board to discuss issues and challenges in the state's dairy industry.