House Game and Fish Committee

Mar. 24, 2015 / Embed

Informational meeting - Receive the Game Commission's Annual Report.

House Appropriations Committee, Budget Hearings: DCNR, 03.16.15

Mar. 16, 2015 / Embed

House Appropriations Committee, Budget Hearings: DCNR, 03.16.15

House Game and Fish Committee

Mar. 04, 2015 / Embed

Informational meeting - Receive the PA Fish & Boat Commission's Annual Report.

House Game and Fish Committee Chronic Wasting Disease Hearing

Nov. 13, 2014 / Embed

House Game and Fish Committee held a hearing to receive an update on Chronic Wasting Disease.

House Game and Fish Committee

Sep. 16, 2014 / Embed

Joint informational meeting to receive an annual report from the PA Fish & Boat Commission.

House Game and Fish Committee

Jun. 09, 2014 / Embed

Voting meeting on HB 2230, SB 1090, SB 1102 and any other business that may come before the Committee.

House Game and Fish Committee

Jun. 04, 2014 / Embed

Infomational meeting to discuss the legislative study pursuant to HR 129.

House Game and Fish Committee

May. 07, 2014 / Embed

Voting meeting on HB 2199, and any other business that may come before the Committee.

House Game and Fish Committee

Apr. 28, 2014 / Embed

House Game and Fish Committee met to vote on HB 2143, HB 2169 and HB 2178.

House Game and Fisheries Committee Public Hearing

Mar. 19, 2014 / Embed

The House Game and Fisheries Committee holds a public hearing on deer management.