Housing and Community Development Committee
Jun. 13, 2023 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 1163, HB 1316, HR 66, HR 139, SB 202 and any other business that may come before the committee.
Housing & Community Development Voting Meeting
May. 24, 2023 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 255, HB 711, HB 775, HB 788, HB 1207, HR 66, SB 466
House Housing & Community Development Committee Informational Meeting
Apr. 25, 2023 / Embed
Informational Meeting on PA Association of Housing and Re-Development Authorities and any other business before the committee.
PA House Urban Affairs Committee Voting Meeting
Sep. 21, 2022 / Embed
Public hearing on Northeastern Pennsylvania, and other areas of the Commonwealth, which continue to experience a limited market for attainable and affordable housing.
The purpose of this hearing is to gather information from industry and housing experts through testimony.
In turn, the committee can use the information to potentially craft legislative proposals that may bolster access and/or the development of attainable/affordable and work force housing.
House Urban Affairs Committee Meeting
Jun. 14, 2022 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 1983, HB 2031, SB 797 and any other business that may come before the committee.
House Urban Affairs Committee Public Hearing
Apr. 27, 2022 / Embed
Public hearing on HB1896.
House Urban Affairs Committee Meeting
Apr. 12, 2022 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 960, HB 1791, HB 1827, HB 2209, HB 2210, HB 2329, SB 439 and any other business that may come before the committee.
Pennsylvania Housing Alliance Homes Within Reach Conference
Dec. 01, 2021 / Embed
The House Urban Affairs Committee often works with the Housing Alliance on issues of blight and affordable housing.
House Urban Affairs Committee Meeting
Nov. 05, 2021 / Embed
House Urban Affairs Committee meets for discussion of blight and blight removal in urban communities throughout Pennsylvania.
House Urban Affairs Committee Voting Meeting
Oct. 26, 2021 / Embed
Voting meeting on HB 1935.