House Urban Affairs Committee.

Jun. 30, 2016 / Embed

House Urban Affairs Committee - Voting meeting on SB 1221, and any other business that may come before the Committee.

House Urban Affairs Committee.

Jun. 14, 2016 / Embed

House Urban Affairs Committee - The taking up of House Bill 1489 and any other business.

Urban Affairs Public Hearing on Blight Part 2.

May. 11, 2016 / Embed

Rep. Scott Petri, chairman of the House Urban Affairs Committee, held a public hearing in Coatesville, Chester County, where the committee heard testimony from local officials on the issue of blight.

Urban Affairs Public Hearing on Blight Part 1.

May. 11, 2016 / Embed

Rep. Scott Petri, chairman of the House Urban Affairs Committee, held a public hearing in Coatesville, Chester County, where the committee heard testimony from local officials on the issue of blight.

House Urban Affairs Committee.

Apr. 13, 2016 / Embed

House Urban Affairs Committee - Voting meeting HB 1051, HB 975, HB 616, and any other business that may come before the Committee.

Joint House Urban Affairs and Commerce Committees.

Apr. 07, 2016 / Embed

Joint House Urban Affairs and Commerce Committees.

House Urban Affairs Committee.

Mar. 15, 2016 / Embed

House Urban Affairs Committee - Consideration of House Bill 1500, the Land Bank Act and HB 1501 which provides tax credits to developers.

House Urban Affairs Committee

Nov. 24, 2015 / Embed

House Urban Affairs Committee - Voting meeting on HB 944, and any other business that may come before the Committee.

House Urban Affairs Committee

Oct. 28, 2015 / Embed

House Urban Affairs Committee - Voting meeting on HB 1437, HB 1455, HB 1490, and any other business that may come before the Committee.

Joint House and Senate Urban Affairs Committees

Oct. 27, 2015 / Embed

Joint House and Senate Urban Affairs Committees - Joint informational meeting on Pennsylvania Foreclosure Process.