Moving Primary Forward is Imprudent

Oct. 18, 2023 / Embed

House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) said Wednesday it is too late to move the 2024 General Primary Election forward and efforts to do so should end.

Chairman Grove on Democrats’ Midnight Amendment Madness

Oct. 05, 2023 / Embed

House Republican Appropriations Chairman Seth Grove said the process being run by House Democrats is reminiscent of the worst of pay-raise era politics.

Leader Cutler on Democrats’ Midnight Amendment Madness

Oct. 05, 2023 / Embed

House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler and House Republican Appropriations Chairman Seth Grove said the process being run by House Democrats is reminiscent of the worst of pay-raise era politics.

Leaders Respond to House Democrats’ Massive Spending

Oct. 04, 2023 / Embed

PA House Republicans Discuss House Democrats’ Massive Spending and Code Bill Logrolling

Tax Code Bill is Another Missed Opportunity

Oct. 03, 2023 / Embed

House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler said the Democrats’ self-created Tax Code bill is emblematic of repeated missed opportunities stemming from House Democrats’ leadership of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Approps Chairman Grove Media Availability

Jul. 20, 2023 / Embed

Rep. Seth Grove, GOP chairman of the PA House Appropriations Committee, gives an update on the ongoing budget impasses.

Budget Vote of Political Convenience

Jul. 05, 2023 / Embed

PA House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler urges a no vote on House Democrats budget bill.

Budget Impasse Predictable and Avoidable

Jun. 30, 2023 / Embed

PA House GOP leaders hold a press conference after House Democrats' inaction leads to budget impasse

Putting Students First When Funding Higher Education

Jun. 28, 2023 / Embed

Starting the conversation on student-first, family-focused concepts to funding Pennsylvania’s institutions of higher education, particularly state-related universities.

Putting Students First When Funding Higher Education

Jun. 26, 2023 / Embed

Press conference on revising methods of funding for higher education in Pennsylvania.