Press Conference on HeroesPath Pilot Program

Jul. 25, 2013 / Embed

Rep. William Adolph holds a press conference to announce the HeroesPath program, aimed at helping veterans find employment.

Policy Committee Press Conference on Empowering Opportunities Initiative

Jul. 15, 2013 / Embed

The House Majority Policy Committee holds a press conference to unveil a new initiative investigating poverty in Pennsylvania.

Press Conference on Combating Common Core

Jun. 28, 2013 / Embed

Reps. Will Tallman, Stephen Bloom, Rob Kauffman, and John Lawrence hold a press conference on legislation they have introduced to combat the implementation of Common Core education standards in Pennsylvania.

Anti Gas Tax Press Conference

Jun. 28, 2013 / Embed

Rep. Metcalfe is joined by several lawmakers in opposing a transportation funding plan that would raise gas taxes on consumers.

Press Conference on Impact of Medicaid Expansion

Jun. 25, 2013 / Embed

Rep. Matt Baker is joined by Rep. Mauree Gingrich to discuss the potential implications of Medicaid expansion in Pennsylvania.

Press Conference on National Guard Technician Furloughs

Jun. 19, 2013 / Embed

Rep. Steve Barrar holds a press conference to call attention to a public safety issue - the possibility of furloughs for National Guard technicians.

House Republican Budget Proposal Press Conference

May. 29, 2013 / Embed

House Republican leaders introduce a budget proposal for the 2013-14 state budget.

Pension Reform Press Conference

May. 07, 2013 / Embed

Rep. Chris Ross and Sen. Mike Brubaker are joined by Gov. Tom Corbett and fellow legislators to unveil pension reform legislation.

Marcellus Works Press Conference

Apr. 24, 2013 / Embed

Rep. Stan Saylor is joined by business leaders across the state to discuss the development of natural gas vehicles in Pennsylvania.

Second Amendment Action Day Rally

Apr. 23, 2013 / Embed

Lawmakers gather for the 8th annual Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally in Harrisburg.