Liquor Control Meeting

Apr. 24, 2019 / Embed

Discussion of micro-brews, taxation and any other business that may come before the committee.

Liquor Control

Apr. 08, 2019 / Embed

April 8, 2019 Meeting

Liquor Control

Mar. 11, 2019 / Embed

March 11, 2019 Meeting

Joint House and Senate Liquor Control Committees.

May. 31, 2018 / Embed

Joint House and Senate Liquor Control Committees - Joint Public Hearing on Pricing.

PA House Liquor Control Committee

Apr. 05, 2018 / Embed

Update on Act 39 & Act 166 of 2016, Impact on craft breweries and craft distilleries. April 4, 2018. Reps. Harris (Chair), Staats, Wheeland & Kampf

Joint House and Senate Liquor Control Committees.

May. 10, 2017 / Embed

Joint House and Senate Liquor Control Committees - Joint Public Hearing on Pricing.

House Liquor Control Committee.

May. 09, 2017 / Embed

House Liquor Control Committee - Voting meeting on HB 1033 and any other business that may come before the committee.

House Liquor Control Committee.

Apr. 03, 2017 / Embed

House Liquor Control Committee.

House Liquor Control Committee.

Feb. 07, 2017 / Embed

House Liquor Control Committee - Voting meeting on HB 282 and any other business that may come before the committee.

House Liquor Control Committee.

Nov. 16, 2016 / Embed

House Liquor Control Committee - Update on the implementation of Act 39 of 2016.