Policy Committee Roundtable Discussion
Aug. 13, 2019 / Embed
Invent Penn State is a Commonwealth-wide initiative to spur economic development, job creation and student career success. Invent Penn State blends entrepreneurship- focused academic programs, business startup training and incubation, funding for commercialization, and university-community collaborations.
House Republican Policy Committee Marcellus Shale Tour
May. 13, 2019 / Embed
Recently, the PA House Republican Policy Committee toured Marcellus Shale development in Western Pennsylvania and it's impact on Pennsylvania.
Rep. Oberlander tours Marcellus Shale development
May. 13, 2019 / Embed
Recently, Rep. Donna Oberlander and the PA House Republican Policy committee toured some Marcellus Shale development in Western PA and learned how it impacts Pennsylvania.
Policy Committee Roundtable on Small Businesses 4.11.19
Apr. 12, 2019 / Embed
The deployment of rural broadband was one of the focuses of discussion at a roundtable event held by the House Majority Policy Committee at the Penn Wells Hotel in Wellsboro, Tioga County.
Penn College & Lycoming Engines #GoodJobs4PA
Mar. 22, 2019 / Embed
The House Policy Committee toured Penn College of Technology and Lycoming Engines as part of #GoodJobs4PA initiative.
Great Example of Innovative Partnerships in PA: The Wistar Institute
Mar. 14, 2019 / Embed
In researching apprenticeship and training opportunities for the #GoodJobs4PA initiative, members of the PA House GOP Policy Committee tour the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia.
Court Rule Change Would Create Health Care Crisis
Feb. 14, 2019 / Embed
Seeking to prevent a health care crisis in Pennsylvania, physicians, administrators, attorneys and industry professionals told members of the House Majority Policy Committee during a public hearing in Harrisburg today that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court must not change a rule dealing with medical malpractice lawsuits.
Save Our Healthcare Press Conference
Jan. 30, 2019 / Embed
Lawmakers and medical leaders express concern regarding the state court system looking to repeal one of its rules on medical malpractice lawsuits. This could have major implications for access to quality health care in Pennsylvania.