Lewis, Kenyatta to Unveil Fighting Chance Act

Mar. 25, 2019 /

WHAT: Freshman state Reps. Andrew Lewis (R-Dauphin) and Malcolm Kenyatta (D-Philadelphia), joined by several of their colleagues, will outline their regulatory and criminal justice reform bill.

Committee to Examine Adolescent Substance Abuse

Mar. 25, 2019 /

WHAT: The House Human Services Committee, chaired by Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks), will hold an informational meeting on adolescent substance use care in Pennsylvania. The meeting will examine challenges and opportunities surrounding this issue.

House, Senate Ag Committees to Examine Wolf’s ‘PA Farm Bill’

Mar. 19, 2019 /

WHAT: The House and Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs committees will hold a joint public hearing to examine the Wolf Administration’s comprehensive “PA Farm Bill.” The proposal includes 17 separate initiatives to address issues such as business development and succession planning, processing capabilities, regulatory burdens, workforce needs, rapid response capabilities to address threats such as spotted lanternfly, agriculture infrastructure and market opportunities.

DiGirolamo, Collett to Unveil Safe Staffing Legislation

Mar. 19, 2019 /

WHAT: Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks) and Sen. Maria Collett, RN (D-Montgomery/Bucks) will lead a press conference to announce their legislation to set safe nurse-to-patient limits in Pennsylvania hospitals. The bills are an important part of keeping patients in hospitals and acute long-term settings safe, and ensuring they receive the best care possible.

Committee to Consider Two Human Services Bills

Mar. 18, 2019 /

WHAT: The House Human Services Committee, chaired by Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks) will hold a voting meeting to consider House Resolution 147 (Gregory) directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a comprehensive review of unused properties, buildings, and facilities owned by the Commonwealth and how to repurpose them for addiction treatment and recovery supports. This resolution was discussed at the committee hearing on March 12. Additionally, the committee will recommend House Bill 316 (Owlett) be re-referred to the House Children and Youth Committee. This legislation establishes a task force focused on the impact the opioid abuse epidemic is having on the children of the Commonwealth.

Cox, House Committee to Consider Bill to Inform Workers of Their Rights and Repeal Unconstitutional Law Related to Public Unions

Mar. 15, 2019 /

WHAT: House Labor and Industry Committee Chairman Jim Cox (R-Berks/Lancaster) will host a committee meeting where members will consider House Bill 785, introduced by Rep. Kate Klunk (York), that would provide non-union workers in public-sector union shops with information about their First Amendment rights and also repeal “fair share fee” provisions of Pennsylvania’s labor laws that were recently deemed unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Committee to Examine Heffley Bills to Improve Addiction Treatment Programs

Mar. 11, 2019 /

WHAT: The House Human Services Committee, chaired by Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks), will hold a public hearing on House Bills 424 and 596, sponsored by Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon). The bills would create a bed registry and a warm hand-off for addiction treatment. The Blue Guardian program from Lehigh County, which was the inspiration for the warm hand-off legislation, will make a presentation.